Session 8 Niche 1 (ORAL SESSION)

13/06/2013 - 10:30 / 11:45

Karam 4

French - English

Becoing an eco-mentor - Promoting Environmental Education and Networking
Oral papers
Paul Elliott - School of Education, Trent University
Paul Elliott
Education for the German Energy Turnaround (Energiewende) after Fukushima - Promoting Environmental Education and Networking
Oral papers
Malte Schmidthals -
Préparer les jeunes générations à devenir des citoyens du littoral - Promoting Environmental Education and Networking
Oral papers
FREDERIC AIRAUD - UICN - Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature
Omar Sy, Pierre Campredon
Biodiversity 2020 Plan of Action: Linking Education, Science, Policy and Society - Promoting Environmental Education and Networking
Oral papers
PIERLUIGI BOZZI - International University Network on Cultural and biological Diversity (IUNCBD)