Session 12 Niche 1 (ORAL SESSION)

13/06/2013 - 11:45 / 13:15

Mogador Menara 1

GESTION DE L’EAU ICI ET AILLEURS - Promoting Environmental Education and Networking
Oral papers
sofie aublin - teacher
Isabelle Gaborieau
Urban Textiles, a design workshop. - Promoting Environmental Education and Networking
Oral papers
Sara Ceraolo - Civico13 - Politecnico di Torino
Andrea Zanchetta, Cristian Campagnaro
Perfeccionamiento de la enseñanza por medio de la educación ambiental - Pedagogy and learning
Oral papers
Camila Carolina Carvalho - Universidad de São Paulo
Teens Go Green: I Know, I Act, I Share - Promoting Environmental Education and Networking
Oral papers
Rina Kusuma - The Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation