Session 12 Niche 11 (ORAL SESSION)

12/06/2013 - 14:00 / 15:30

Modagor Menara 1

English - French - Spanish

Biodiversity Education for Poverty Reduction - Risks, health and environment
Oral papers
Shailaja Ravindranath - Nehru Foundation for Development , Ahmedabad , India
Vanitha Kommu , Shriji Kurup
Evaluation of soil degradation in Akhfinir region (SW Morocco) using remote sensing techniques - Risks, health and environment
Oral papers
Ahmed ALGOUTI, Abdellah ALGOUTI et Mohammed ESSEMANI
PreparaciĆ³n ante Tsunamis en Colombia. - Risks, health and environment
Oral papers
Carlos Rios-Uribe - Universidad de Antioquia - Colombia
New inquiry approaches on teaching and learning processes in Earth Sciences education for a common sensibility towards natural risks and hazards - Risks, health and environment
Oral papers
Occhipinti Susanna - Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta- Assessorato Istruzione e Cultura
Eleonora Paris
Methodological Strategies for Environmental Work in Natural Risk Areas - Risks, health and environment
Oral papers
patricia carla Souza - UFRJ
Carlos Frederico Loureiro