Session 2 Niche 3 (ORAL SESSION)

10/06/2013 - 15:30 / 17:15

Karam 5

French - English

Enhancing the adaptive capacity of collaboratives through education and learning: - Social Movements and building ecological societies
Oral papers
Jacobus Muller - School of Public Leadership (SPL), Stellenbosch University
Association : PROTESA (لنحمي تطوان ونواحيها ) - Social Movements and building ecological societies
Oral papers
abdeljaouad EDFOUF - Protesa
Jawad Edfouf, KHAOULA LITEFTI, Association PROTESA
Preservation of rivers through environmental education - Social Movements and building ecological societies
Oral papers
Ricardo Castro Nunes Oliveira - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Rosiany Possati Campos & Carlos Lima Castro
Towards Practising Environmental Citizenship in Egypt: Hopes and Challenges - Social Movements and building ecological societies
Oral papers
Astrid Steele - Nipissing University
Wafaa Abd-El-Aal