Guidelines for presentations NEW DEADLINE
UPLOAD the PDF presentation: NEW DEADLINE 30TH MAY 2013
PLEASE NOTE that all authors can present a FULL PAPER of their contribution no matter in which typology they present their contribution during the 7th WEEC.
In order to know all information about it, please check the file EDITING THE FULL PAPER (to know the rules to follow while writing it) and UPLOADING the FULL PAPER (to know how to charge the document into the web site
Here you have the GUIDELINES for:
- UPLOAD the PDF presentation for the ORAL PRESENTATION. Click here. The deadline to UPLOAD the PDF that will be use to be projected during the ORAL PRESENTATION is the 30th of May 2013. There isn’t a maximum length of characters neither number of slides for the PDF presentation, but remember that the maximum time allowed for each oral presentation is 15 minutes.
- Logistic information regarding WORKSHOPS, ROUND TABLE, POSTER, NGO FORUM. Click here
- UPLOADING THE FULL PAPER. The deadline to UPOLOAD the FULL PAPER that will be published into the Online WEEC Acts is the 30th of June 2013
If you need to have information about the details of each presentation FORMAT, please click here
Each author can publish only ONE FULL PAPER. If during 7WEEC you will present more then one contribution you have to decide for which one you want to publish a FULL PAPER.
Please consider only the guidelines referred to your format proposal.
All details are explained into the GUIDELINES files
For info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.